To Have a Mammogram or Not...?
New mammographic screening guidelines emerged today, this time from the American Cancer Society (ACS). They now recommend annual...
Breast Cancer in Young Women
October is around the corner, which means Breast Cancer Awareness will be at its peak. A particular subject comes to mind that seems...
I have dense breasts, now what?
The issue of breast density has been a hot topic over the last several years. Many women are told they have “dense breasts” when they...
From October - 31 Breast Cancer Facts and Myths
“31 Breast Cancer Facts and Myths” – in case you missed these; we posted these on our Facebook page each day of Breast Cancer Awareness...
Breast Cancer, Genetics, and Angelina Jolie
Thinking back to the early summer of 2013, I remember fielding more and more questions about genetic testing from my patients. And this...
What Caused My Breast Cancer, Doc?
A very common question from so many patients. And very often it is difficult to give them a definitive answer. To make sense of this...
The Latest on 3-D Mammography
Over the last several months, I've had many questions come my way about 3-D Mammography, also called Tomosnythesis. This is a new...